Getting Started
An overview of numbro, how to downland and use it, how to contribute to it, and more.
Numbro can easily and quickly be installed via several ways to let you choose the one which fits the best to your needs.
cdnjs provides the simplest way to use Numbro as you only need to embed the following script:
<script src=""></script>
Bower is a simple package manager for javascript projects. Numbro can be installed using the following command:
~ $ bower install numbro
You should then include the Numbro javascript file in your webpage using a snippet like:
<script src="./bower_components/numbro/dist/numbro.min.js"></script>
npm is a package manager for node projects. Numbro can be installed vie npm using the following command:
~ $ npm install numbro
var numbro = require("numbro");
You should then include the Numbro javascript file in your webpage using a snippet like:
<script src="./node_modules/numbro/min/numbro.min.js"></script>
If you are an advanced user, you can clone the git repository of numbro with the following command:
~ $ git clone .
And finally use numbro in your page with:
<script src="./numbro/min/numbro.min.js"></script>
numbro is heavily driven by its community with the goal to provide a stable and reliable library for companies.
- numbro is a fork of Numeraljs, released under the MIT license by Adam Draper.
- All the numbro code is hosted, managed and developed on GitHub .
- Any contribution is welcome. Every pull requests will be enthusiastically reviewed .
- All reported issues can be found on github. If you experience an issue with numbro, or if you have a question, do not hesitate to report it here.
It requires you to:
- Keep the license and copyright notice included in numbro's files when you use them in your works
It permits you to:
- Freely download and use numbro, in whole or in part, for personal, private, company internal, or commercial purposes
- Use numbro in packages or distributions that you create
- Modify the source code
- Grant a sublicense to modify and distribute numbro to third parties not included in the license
It forbids you to:
- Hold the authors and license owners liable for damages as numbro is provided without warranty
- Hold the creators or copyright holders of numbro liable
- Redistribute any piece of numbro without proper attribution
- Use any marks owned by Benjamin Van Ryseghem in any way that might state or imply that Benjamin Van Ryseghem endorses your distribution
- Use any marks owned by Benjamin Van Ryseghem in any way that might state or imply that you created the Benjamin Van Ryseghem software in question
It does not require you to:
- Include the source of numbro itself, or of any modifications you may have made to it, in any redistribution you may assemble that includes it
- Submit changes that you make to numbro back to the numbro project (though such feedback is encouraged)